
No. of Episodes: 2
Duration: 60 min(s)
Cast: Amy Kecik, Awal’liyah Ja’afar, Elfaeza Ul Haq, Sufian Ahmad
Host: -
Director: Khairudin Samsudin
Producer: Diana Salim
Scriptwriter: Muhammad Mahfuz

Mr Pakar runs for two episodes Pakar Bercinta” and “Pakar Rumahtangga”. In “Pakar Bercinta”, Abdul Pakar, is being “coaxed” to attend a marriage preparatory course by his girlfriend. The main premise throughout the show will be how Abdul Pakar’s misconceptions on certain aspects of marriage be corrected by the end of the episode.

In “Pakar Rumahtangga”, we again follow Abdul Pakar, who is now married for a few years, who thinks all is well with his marriage but fails to realize it needs a jolt to rekindle the romance and improve communication, intimacy and finances. So again he is “dragged” into attending a marriage enrichment course, much to his dismay since he thinks it’s absolutely unnecessary. The main premise will Abdul Pakar trying his best to “escape” the course.

Makcik Kaypop

No. of Episodes: 8
Duration: 30 min(s)
Cast: Haryani Othman, Siti Hajar Abd Gani, Zaliha Hamid
Host: -
Director: Khairudin Samsudin
Producer: Diana Salim
Scriptwriter: Muhammad Mahfuz

Khatijah, Suraya and Asmah are friends who share a passion for Korean pop culture. They love the music, enjoy watching Korean soaps and dramas and love Korean food. While they all share the same passion, how they fell in love with K-Pop are all due to very different circumstances.

The threesome then formed a fan group, and like all Korean fan groups who have names to identify themselves, the three makciks call themselves - The Kimchi Makciks or “Kimchiks”. True to the taste of kimchi, this makciks are truly passionate to their “obsession” for all things Korean.